How to Lose & Maintain Your Weight

Good day everybody! it's been a while! Summer is approaching us as the weather has gotten so much warmer-in most parts of the world- that is. Which means lots of outdoor activities such as swimming, going to the beach, BBQ and more! Now many people -specially us girlies- are working on their perfect Bikini body and shaping up for summer, or just working on losing and maintaing weight in general. Here are some tips that i personally found really helpful, and i hope you find them helpful as well! 1. Exercise: While this is an obvious one, many of us are too lazy to do so. I'm personally guilty of being lazy. Many of us either don't have time or can't afford to go to the Gym. +blogilates Videos on YouTube are fun and great way to exercise! She makes working out seems fun and exciting with her positive energy and fun personality. She even has monthly Calendars that tell you the workout you should do in the day. Exercising is the only way to tone up. 2. E...