August 2016 Music Favourites ♫ ♬

1. Baby Bash- Suga Suga ft. Frankie J

This nostalgic throwback from 13 years ago (Released on Aug 15th, 2003) will still get you snapping fingers and jamming to the song today!

imagine if you were strolling down the streets of New York city during the 1920s in the snowy winter, wearing a coat, and a hat, in true fashion of that time. That's exactly how this song makes me feel.

The song and the music has a Lana Del Rey kind of a vibe. It's a moody ballad that will put you in a certain mood.

This has been my jam-to song in the car and while getting ready! It's the type of the song that will put you in a dance-y and good mood!

The music video has an important message about abuse and violence in relationships, it even displays the number for national domestic violence hotline. As for the song, it is a good listen.

This is not a song with lyrics. It's just an awesome dude sat down playing his ukulele. I found this to be perfect for my fellow people who suffer from anxiety and stress. This song is very calming and relaxing, and it helps you to fall asleep better. These amazing tunes are extremely helpful, listen to it for yourself!

Happy Listening! 


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