#DearMe: Advice to My Younger, Present, and Future Self
Dear Me,
Dear elementary school me, don't take life too seriously. life is more than just studying. When it's recess time, go and play.
You were teased in high school about the way you looked, about not having a boyfriend, about not conforming to the cool kids' Club. Kudos to you for not giving your time or effort into them, about how you handled things. You knew that these things don't matter so you didn't give a damn. Good for you!
You never felt like you belong to a certain place, culture. you felt like an alien most of the time. Guess what, you don't really have to belong. you are your own little world. which is much cooler btw!
You hated makeup, wore all black, were in a punk phase. well well, you'll be the totttaaal opposite. You will be a make up hoarder. Buying things because they're 'cute' packaged. You thought you were soooo fashionable and style-ish. Ummm not so much. Tight clothing does not mean looking good! So wear a bit looser clothes. (Also, please throw that silver metal belt away. It looks hideous.)
You barely took photos. (Well well haven't things changed, huh?) But each time you did it looked hideous af! Here are some tips for you:
#1 Angle.Angle is important.
#Lighting is important! Helllo!
Take more photos with your friends. document those memories.
Speaking of friends, Some friends will stay and some will go. BUT thats okay! nothing lasts forever.
The person you first disliked so much, she's now your best friend!
People will promise things, but it does not mean they will always keep their promises.
Also, People change. It doesn't always mean to good. So learn to adapt.
You change! A LOT!
Dear Present self, You live in a place where it gets -55. In Canada, where you never imagined.
You met new people here, from all over the world, which is pretty cool! You eat food you never ate before. You learned so many different languages, You are now fluent in English. You're ethnically ambiguous which is a fun game of "Guess where i'm from". You got into Kpop. You took Spanish classes which was your dream. You got blunt bangs, which you were told that it does not suit you, but yeah you can't live without them. You got a cat!! your life long dream! you convinced your parents finally. You spent lovely memories with your cat "Beanie" but he passed away after 10 months, the best 10 months of your life.

Dear Future Self, I hope you're doing what you love. Did you travel a lot? did you publish your writings? are you a film maker or in the process of becoming one? Are you perhaps a Journalist? Do you have cats and puppies? Most importantly, Are you happy?
Don't give up your passions and dreams no matter what! Don't give in to peer pressure or society pressure. You always wanted to be extra-ordinary, well, are you one? Be happy, less awkward and shy. Did yo attend Enrique Iglesias' concert? did you meet him in person? These are all your dreams and passions. Don't listen to anyone who says it's impossible. Listen to yourself. Learn to love yourself.
Laugh a lot. Life is filled with great things!✨
Carpe Diem.
Dear elementary school me, don't take life too seriously. life is more than just studying. When it's recess time, go and play.
You were teased in high school about the way you looked, about not having a boyfriend, about not conforming to the cool kids' Club. Kudos to you for not giving your time or effort into them, about how you handled things. You knew that these things don't matter so you didn't give a damn. Good for you!
You never felt like you belong to a certain place, culture. you felt like an alien most of the time. Guess what, you don't really have to belong. you are your own little world. which is much cooler btw!
You hated makeup, wore all black, were in a punk phase. well well, you'll be the totttaaal opposite. You will be a make up hoarder. Buying things because they're 'cute' packaged. You thought you were soooo fashionable and style-ish. Ummm not so much. Tight clothing does not mean looking good! So wear a bit looser clothes. (Also, please throw that silver metal belt away. It looks hideous.)
You barely took photos. (Well well haven't things changed, huh?) But each time you did it looked hideous af! Here are some tips for you:
#1 Angle.Angle is important.
#Lighting is important! Helllo!
Take more photos with your friends. document those memories.
Speaking of friends, Some friends will stay and some will go. BUT thats okay! nothing lasts forever.
The person you first disliked so much, she's now your best friend!
People will promise things, but it does not mean they will always keep their promises.
Also, People change. It doesn't always mean to good. So learn to adapt.
You change! A LOT!
Dear Present self, You live in a place where it gets -55. In Canada, where you never imagined.
You met new people here, from all over the world, which is pretty cool! You eat food you never ate before. You learned so many different languages, You are now fluent in English. You're ethnically ambiguous which is a fun game of "Guess where i'm from". You got into Kpop. You took Spanish classes which was your dream. You got blunt bangs, which you were told that it does not suit you, but yeah you can't live without them. You got a cat!! your life long dream! you convinced your parents finally. You spent lovely memories with your cat "Beanie" but he passed away after 10 months, the best 10 months of your life.

You went through depression, hard times. You over think things. Your self-esteem is going down the hill. Your anxiety keeps kicking in. Yet you manage to look at the bright side of things. You kicked depression in the face. You've learnt to manage your anxiety. You have great friends who are here for you. You're a great person, you look good. Who cares if you have a bad hair day, or bad face day. So what if you're not as skinny as a toothpick. Thats not realistic. Workout more for healthy life style. Not the thigh gap or skinny legs. LOVE YOUR SELF no matter what you look like!
Dear Future Self, I hope you're doing what you love. Did you travel a lot? did you publish your writings? are you a film maker or in the process of becoming one? Are you perhaps a Journalist? Do you have cats and puppies? Most importantly, Are you happy?
Don't give up your passions and dreams no matter what! Don't give in to peer pressure or society pressure. You always wanted to be extra-ordinary, well, are you one? Be happy, less awkward and shy. Did yo attend Enrique Iglesias' concert? did you meet him in person? These are all your dreams and passions. Don't listen to anyone who says it's impossible. Listen to yourself. Learn to love yourself.
Laugh a lot. Life is filled with great things!✨
Carpe Diem.
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